Long before it became trendy, the environment in which we operate has been foremost to our operations.  

Sustainability has always been a key consideration for us at Atlanfish. We harvest all of our raw material from the sea and depend on a clean environment.

Day Boat Fishery

The majority of our crab is sourced from day boats that land at the many small piers around the Inishowen Peninsula and Malin Head. All our crab is taken to the factory within hours of landing and undergoes immediate processing.

Absolute respect of carapace size limitations

Only permitting catches of crabs that adhere to the minimum carapace size, thereby eliminating any chance for juveniles to be caught and returning any undersized crab alive to the sea.

Total respect of seasonality

By limiting catches to the optimal time of the season, allowing the crab to moult and reproduce during the off-season period.

Working towards a more sustainable fishery

We are part of the Brown Crab FIP (Fishery Improvement Project), an alliance of fishery organisations, businesses, governments, scientists, and NGOs, taking a stepwise approach to promoting sustainable fishery management.


Origin Green

We have been members of Origin Green, Ireland’s food and drink sustainability programme, since the early days of its inception in 2016. Our involvement with Origin Green means that we have committed to reducing our energy, fuel, and water consumption. We are exceeding our current targets but always strive to implement further measures to create even more impact.

water Created with Sketch Beta.

Water management

Our water usage on site is continuously monitored, and waste minimisation measures have been implemented.

Sustainable Packaging & Waste

We work exclusively with packaging suppliers that are FSC-approved and all waste packaging is recycled.

Waste management

Atlanfish is committed to achieving zero waste, which is why we utilise every part of the crab, including any remaining crab shell from our processes.

Energy Reduction

The installation of solar panels on our premises in the first quarter of 2023 has led to a significant reduction in the reliance on energy produced from fossil fuels and has significantly reduced our carbon footprint.